Research Horizons


Coming Sept. 12: Early Life Origins of Pediatric and Adult Diseases

  • Bluesky

Tune in for our next ‘Envisioning’ speaker: Dr. Xiaobin Wang

Board-certified pediatrician and molecular epidemiologist, Xiaobin Wang, MD, ScD, will kick off this fall’s Envisioning Our Future For Children speaker series on Sept. 12. The virtual seminar, which also is part of Cincinnati Children’s Pediatric Grand Rounds, will begin at 8 am (ET) via Zoom, and is free to attend.

Wang, who has devoted her career to improving maternal and child health across the life course, will present the “Early Life Origins of Pediatric and Adult Diseases: Envisioning a New Paradigm to Optimize Health Across the Lifespan and Generation.” Her research integrates biomarkers, clinical medicine and epidemiology.

Wang is the Zanvyl Krieger Professor in Child Health, director of the Center on the Early Life Origins of Disease at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, and professor of Pediatrics at the John Hopkins School of Medicine.

In 1998, she established the Boston Birth Cohort, which was comprised of predominantly low income, urban, underrepresented minority mothers and children throughout the U.S. and was funded continuously by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for more than 20 years.

Wang has served as the primary investigator for multiple NIH funded large-scale molecular epidemiological studies. She has also led multi-institutional teams to investigate environmental, nutritional, genomic, epigenomic, proteomic and metabolomic factors during critical developmental windows aiming to identify early life origins of major pediatric and adult chronic diseases to inform early risk assessment and primary prevention.

She has published more than 380 peer-reviewed articles, many of which appear in high-impact medical and public health journals, and she is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine.

Tune in for Wang’s presentation to learn about: 

  • The paradigm of developmental origins of health and diseases (DOHaD) 
  • Relevant research regarding what and how early life factors could influence future disease risk, highlighting the complex interplay of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors during critical developmental windows 
  • Challenges and opportunities to advance DOHaD research to inform ways that maternal and child health care and services are organized and delivered to optimize health across the lifespan and generation

Early Life Origins of Pediatric and Adult Diseases: Envisioning a New Paradigm to Optimize Health Across the Lifespan and Generation
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
8-9 am

Watch the livestreamed presentation on Zoom
Passcode: 717042 

About the Speaker Series

Launched in March 2021 to celebrate 100 years of the B.K. Rachford Department of Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s and the University of Cincinnati, the Envisioning Our Future For Children speaker series has hosted 10 esteemed thought leaders and experts in their fields, including: 

  • David Altshuler, MD, executive VP of Global Research and Chief Scientific Officer for Vertex Pharmaceuticals, who presented “Humanizing Drug Discovery” (Watch the Recording | Read Dr. Altshuler’s Perspective on the Future of Human Health) 
  • Donald Berwick, MD, president emeritus, senior fellow and founding CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, who presented “The Moral Determinants of Health” (Watch the Recording | Read the Recap) 
  • Diana Bianchi, MD, director, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, who presented “The Future of Pediatric Research: A View from the Crossroads” (Watch the Recording) 
  • Victor Dzau, MD, president of the National Academy of Medicine and chancellor emeritus and James B. Duke Professor of Medicine for Duke University, who presented “Emerging Science & Technology in Health & Medicine: A Brave New World” (Watch the Recording | Read the Recap) 
  • Thomas Insel, MD, former director, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), and author, who presented “Healing: Our Path from Mental Illness to Mental Health” (Watch the Recording | Read the recap) 
  • Kevin Johnson, MD, David L. Cohen University Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, who presented “Envisioning our Future Partner in Children’s Health Care: Could it be the EHR?” (Watch the Recording | Read the Recap) 
  • Robert Langer, ScD, MIT Institute Professor, MIT Department of Chemical Engineering, who presented “From Nanotechnology to mRNA Therapies and What’s to Come” (Watch the Recording) 
  • Jim Yong Kim, MD, co-founder of Partners in Health, past president of World Bank, and past president of Dartmouth College, who presented “Bending the Arc of History for Children” (Watch the Recording | Read the Recap) 
  • Aviv Regev, PhD, executive VP of Genentech Research and Early Development, who presented “Atlases as Roadmaps to Understand and Treat Disease” (Seminar not recorded) 
  • Mark Wietecha, Children’s Hospital Association CEO, who presented “Health and Health Care Perspectives” (Watch the Recording) 


  • Bluesky