Research Horizons


O’Toole to Receive Women in Medicine and Science Leadership Award

  • Bluesky

Jennifer O’Toole, MD, MEdProgram Director for the Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Residency Program at Cincinnati Children’s, has received a prestigious honor for her leadership among women in medicine.

She has been selected to receive a 2021 Leadership Award from the Group on Women in Medicine and Science, an affiliate of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).

Since 1995, these awards have recognized outstanding individual and organizational contributions to advancing women leaders in academic medicine and science. O’Toole joins more than 30 individuals and organizations who have been honored.

O’Toole also serves as Co-President of the Women in Medicine and Science (WIMS) Organization at Cincinnati Children’s.

An award presentation is scheduled for November, 2021.

  • Bluesky