How Parent Coaching Can Help Reduce Sick Kid Visits
Post Date: December 27, 2022 | Publish Date:
Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children | Top Scientific Achievement

Recent findings from a team of experts from Beech Acres Parenting Center, Cincinnati Children’s, and TriHealth show that parent coaching provided through the locally-created Parent Connext® program resulted in significantly fewer sick visits for children and increased odds of receiving a referral for behavioral health and other concerns.
Findings were published Oct. 12, 2022, in Prevention Science.
The study sample included more than 27,000 patients in Greater Cincinnati and continued for 36 months from 2017-2019. Robert Shapiro, MD, director of the Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children at Cincinnati Children’s, and a Beech Acres board member, was senior author.
“Our research highlights the potential benefit to child health from two-generation approaches which focus on the needs of parents and children at the same time,” Shapiro says. “We hope to replicate these findings in future evaluations.”