Research Horizons


COVID-19 Research News Update for May 12

  • Bluesky

The Research Horizons science blog is sharing links to research-oriented news about the COVID-19 pandemic, especially information about how children are affected.

If you see an article that should be shared with the research community, please send a note to

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Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Air pollution, racial disparities and COVID-19 mortality

Cincinnati Children’s co-authors: Eric Brandt, PhD, Andrew Beck, MD, MPH, and Tesfaye Mersha, PhD.

Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Eosinophil Responses During COVID-19 Infections and Coronavirus Vaccination

Cincinnati Children’s co-authors: Andrew Lindsley, MD, PhD, Justin Schwartz, MD, PhD, and Marc Rothenberg, MD, PhD.

Stay tuned: This research and more information will be shared during National Eosinophilic Awareness Week, May 17-23.

Ongoing COVID-19 Conversations from Pediatric Grand Rounds

The first “COVID-19 Conversations” was held May 6 and can be found here:  COVID-19 Conversations 19 – May 6.  This, along with all COVID-19 on-line education, can be found at: COVID-19 Curriculum.  New conversations will be posted each Thursday. Please submit your questions to:

Clinical Trial News: Cincinati Children’s One of Four Sites in Pfizer Vaccine Study

The study arm at Cincinnati Children’s is led by Robert Frenck, MD, Director of the NIH-funded Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Unit (VTEU) and Vaccine Research Center.

If you would like to be added to the interest list, follow this link or call 513-636-7699 or email

Explore these new findings:

Nature Medicine: Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with COVID-19

The Lancet: Interleukin-1 blockade with high-dose anakinra in patients with COVID-19, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and hyperinflammation: a retrospective cohort study

NEJM: Observational Study of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19

Health Affairs: Estimating The Infection Fatality Rate Among Symptomatic COVID-19 Cases In The United States

Journal of Pediatrics: Missed or Delayed Diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease During the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

Pediatric Blood & Cancer: SARS-CoV-2 disease and children under treatment for cancer

Pediatric Dermatology: Chilblains-like lesions in children following suspected Covid-19 infection 

Kaiser Family Foundation: Low-Income and Communities of Color at Higher Risk of Serious Illness if Infected with Coronavirus

PNAS: Cell entry mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2


COVID-19 Watcher: A pandemic data tracker created at Cincinnati Children’s and the University of Cincinnati that allows direct comparisons of city- and state-level activity

COVIDview: A Weekly Surveillance Summary of U.S. COVID-19 Activity from the CDC

COVID-19 projections assuming full social distancing through May 2020

Pandemic tracker from Worldometer

Pandemic tracking dashboard from Johns Hopkins University

Ohio Department of Health: COVID-19 dashboard

Guidance for care providers from Cincinnati Children’s

A frequently updated collection of pediatric COVID-19 papers can be found here

  • Bluesky