Research Horizons


Power-Hays Receives Doris Duke Award for Research in Uganda

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The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has selected Alexandra Power-Hays, MD, a clinical fellow at Cincinnati Children’s, as one of 11 people sharing $2.42 million in grants through the 2021 Doris Duke Physician Scientist Fellowship.

The grant program was launched in 2019 to promote the transition of emerging physician scientists at the subspecialty fellowship stage into faculty-level positions.

“We are pleased to support this exceptional and diverse cohort of Doris Duke Physician Scientist Fellows, who stood out for their inventiveness and deep dedication to improving the lives of people affected by debilitating diseases,” says Sindy Escobar Alvarez, program director for medical research at the foundation.

The 2021 awardees were chosen by an external panel of accomplished physician scientists. Each selected fellow receives a two-year $220,000 grant, and will work with a mentor to guide them toward successful biomedical research careers.

Power-Hays will use her funding to support a prospective study assessing the impact of pharmacokinetics-guided hydroxyurea dosing to reduce blood transfusion need among children with sickle cell anemia in Uganda.

Read about all the awardees

Read more about sickle cell research at Cincinnati Children’s:

Dose Escalation Sharply Improves Hydroxyurea Benefit for Children with Sickle Cell Anemia

Aruvant Presents Data on Improved Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease

  • Bluesky