Learn More about Sanofi’s iAwards and iDEA Awards
Post Date: September 11, 2023 | Publish Date:

Luke Hanlin, PhD, manager, Sanofi Academic Partnerships, will visit Cincinnati Children’s on Sept. 12 to discuss how the global life sciences company assesses technologies and supports accelerated development.
Sanofi offers two programs that help advance cutting-edge discoveries: the Sanofi Innovation Awards (iAwards) and the Data Exploration & Analytics (iDEA) Awards programs.
Created in 2015, the iAwards program seeks to accelerate innovative, early stage, disease-relevant research to convert successful projects into sponsored research programs and potentially licensed technology. Cincinnati Children’s is one of 27 iAward Program Partners.
Sanofi’s interests include new and actionable knowledge about disease relevant targets, pathways and mechanisms; early-stage compounds or biologics targeting novel disease mechanisms; new models for validating disease relevant targets; and novel therapeutic modalities. Sanofi also is interested in immunology and inflammation, rare and neurological diseases, gene therapy, precision medicine, and computational biology.
“About 40% of our iAwards projects convert into multi-year Sponsored Research Agreements that provide key medical solutions to the patient,” says Wayne Rowe, PhD, director of Sanofi’s iAwards Program.
Sanofi’s iDEA Awards program, launched in 2018, provides up to $150,000 in one-year seed funding to accelerate development of new digital technologies and data science tools.
The in-person event begins at 2 pm in the Research Auditorium and a link will be available for virtual attendees. Please contact Ginny Van Horne at virginia.vanhorne@cchmc.org or 513-803-1175 to learn more. For more about Innovation Ventures, check out our CenterLink site.