Research Horizons


Can “Cold” Tumors be Converted to “Hot”?

Converting immunologically “cold” tumors into “hot” ones that can be more effectively treated is a burgeoning field in cancer research.

In a recent paper published in Oncoimmunology, researchers at Cincinnati Children’s report new details on how some tumors become “cold.” Their findings also suggest a possible way to make them “hot.”

Co-authors from Cincinnati Children’s include Vishnu Modur, PhD, and senior author Kakajan Komurov, PhD, (now with Pfizer).

The co-authors say that “artificial STING agonists and DNA methylation inhibitors (5-azacytidine), both of which are currently in clinical trials, may be attractive immediate candidates to test for the re-activation of the cGAS/STING pathway and re-expression of APP genes.”

Read more about this research in a blog post written by Dr. Modur.


Publication Information
Original title: Suppression of tumor antigen presentation during aneuploid tumor evolution contributes to immune evasion
Published in: Oncoimmunology
Publish date: Sept. 6, 2019
Read the study

Research By

Vishnu Modur, PhD
Division of Experimental Hematology and Cancer Biology
Kakajan Komurov, PhD
Director, Molecular Discovery