Co-Production: A Vital Concept for Quality Health Service
Research By: Peter Margolis, MD, PhD | Michael Seid, PhD
Post Date: June 27, 2019 | Publish Date: September 2015

Healthcare is not a product manufactured by healthcare systems for use by healthcare consumers. It’s a service that depends upon patient engagement, cooperation and respected partnership to succeed.
Cincinnati Children’s quality care gurus Peter Margolis, MD, PhD, and Michael Seid, PhD, were key co-authors on a breakthrough report published in the journal BMJ Quality & Safety that lays out the theory of co-production in healthcare and cites several examples of how the concept has improved outcomes.
Among the case studies: the ImproveCareNow learning network launched in 2007 by Margolis and colleagues to improve outcomes for youth living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This network of patients, families, clinicians, and researchers has grown to include more than 70 care sites that serve more than one-third of US children and adolescents with IBD.
By 2015, their combined efforts to share best practices had increased the clinical remission rate for patients from 60% to 79%.
“We are doing research…in a way that allows patients to actually participate not just in the data collection, but in [determining] the questions that are asked of the data, and even producing the results,” says a young adult who served as chair of the ImproveCareNow Patient Advisory Council.
Learn more about how our James M. Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence integrates co-production in a wide range of quality improvement initiatives.
Original title: | Coproduction of healthcare service |
Published in: | BMJ Quality & Safety |
Publish date: | September 2015 |
Research By