Research Horizons


Biro, Webb Receive Career Honors

  • Bluesky

Frank Biro, MD, Director of Research, Adolescent and Transition Medicine, received the 2015 Cincinnati Pediatric Society’s Founders’ Award, which honors career achievements in basic or clinical research and distinguished contributions to child health. Biro’s career at Cincinnati Children’s spans 31 years. He is nationally recognized for research on pubertal maturation. He was elected to the Cincinnati Children’s Hall of Honor in 2014.

Gary Webb, MD, Director, Cincinnati Adolescent and Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program, received the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD). In 1980, Webb became Co-Director and then Director of the Toronto Congenital Cardiac Center for Adults, one of the first ACHD centers in the world. He was the founding president of ISACHD and has held leadership roles in numerous ACHD organizations. He has co-authored more than 160 manuscripts and has edited two major textbooks.

  • Bluesky