10 New Tools to Support Hospitals and Doctors
Post Date: February 10, 2020 | Publish Date:

Rapidly evolving technology is making it possible for hospitals and doctors to integrate much more data analysis into their day-to-day work.
These innovations featured in our recently published 2019 Research Annual Report can help clinicians as they plan medication dosing, work with children using ventilators, predict asthma risks, treat juvenile ideopathic arthritis, prepare for a heart transplant, and more:
Asthma tools:
PARS Tool Improves Predictions of Asthma Development
An ‘Automated’ Treatment Algorithm to Guide Asthma Care
Medication dosing:
Precision Dosing Guide May Improve Outcomes for Infants Receiving Cardiac Surgery
Heart transplantation:
Virtual Heart Transplantation Matches More Organs to Recipients in Need
Stem cell transplant care:
Novel Biomarker Could Lead to Earlier Diagnosis of TA-TMA
MRI scanning for pancreas function testing:
Pediatric Secretin-MRI Project to Serve as Reference Guide for Years to Come
Treating ulcerative colitis
PROTECT Study Produces New Model for Treating Children with Ulcerative Colitis
Treating juvenile idiopathic arthritis:
New Guidelines May Help Prevent Vision Damage Among Children with JIA
Ventilator management:
Algorithm Helps Track Hospital Use Among Ventilator-Dependent Children
Diagnosing pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP):
Newer Blood Tests Could Replace Slower, Inaccurate Methods for Diagnosing PAP